Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Resonance released

I wrote Resonance in 2004, after separating from my ex-wife. I was pursuing divorce from her a second time. That separation turned out to be my second of three attempts to leave her. I finished the book this year, 2012, after reconnecting with the woman I had been thinking about for almost 30 years.

I was driving up I-35 in Overland Park, Kansas, toward the office building where I worked when a Sting song called "A Thousand Years" was playing on the radio. I really listened to the words. And since I had been dreaming about this girl for many years, my mind started wandering, thinking about how reincarnation could explain why I had never moved past her.

I was raised a Christian, so I had no understanding of reincarnation. I had to research the concepts, the beliefs. During my research, I came across a biologist by the name of Rupert Sheldrake, who had theorized that organisms may produce a sort of field of information, a morphic resonance, within which a species may already have a predefined set of rules. I then fantasized that it might be interesting under the laws of physics that if energy is never created nor destroyed, just transformed from state to state, perhaps there is an inter-cellular mechanism called morphic resonance communicating important information. And if this information isn't only structural, as proposed by Dr. Sheldrake, but also behavioral, well then, that might explain why I couldn't move on.

I know, it's a fantastic stretch, but metaphysical discussions always are. She inspired me to finish Resonance and publish it this year. You can currently find it on Amazon.com for Kindle: http://amzn.com/B00936LI1C

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